SATSA FP7 Project completes the first training session

Posted on: May 21, 2012

As part of the SBAS Awareness and Training for South Africa (SATSA) FP7 project, undertaken by SANSA SO, GMV, NDconsult and AplhaConsult, the first training session devoted to GNSS and SBAS basics took place at the SANSA Space Operations Minitrack training facility in Hartebeeshoek from May 7th to 10th 2012. The training was given by Dr. Alberto Madrazo Fernández and Dr. José Caro Ramon from GMV and involved delegates from SANSA SO, ATNS, South African CAA and the Tracker and Peace Parks Foundation. After this first successful training, SANSA and the delegates look forward to the next training session on the engineering aspects of SBAS for SAR which will take place in July 2012.

 Dr José Caro Ramon explaining some of the finer points of GNSS to the delegates Dr. Alberto Madrazo Fernández helps delegates performing practical exercises on SBAS simulations
Dr. José Caro Ramon explaining some of the finest points of GNSS to the delegates Dr. Alberto Madrazo Fernández helps delegates performing practical exercises on SBAS simulations